Welcome to the Trackers' Page!

This page is dedicated to giving you limited access to several general use (Un-Adult) and adult search engines. On the adult searchers, to prevent paying for unwanted services it may (or may not) help to add "free" in your query. Just so that you'll know, my favorite topics are Black and Hispanic women (ALWAYS WOMEN).


I am still unfinished. You'll find XFINDER (Ver. 2) here and the others below.

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Enter keywords to search for (example: adult links sex) or (example: black women)

For those who don't wish to find the out of the ordinary (easily) here is YAHOO, in my opinion one of the best search engines.

Yahoo! Movies
showtimes, reviews, news
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Alta Vista is another great search device worth using. Check it out!

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Tip: To find all pages pointing to a URL, try: link:mypage.html. More tips

Naughty Linx is an adult search which boldly resembles Yahoo in its format. This information alone declares that it fulfills everyones taste. (For example, try "Black".)


Wired Magazine, Dec. 1997, wanted to know about sex on the Internet they asked NAUGHTY Linx.
Playboy Magazine, Sep. 1997, picked the sexy sites on the Internet, they picked NAUGHTY Linx.
Upside Magazine, Apr. 1998 came to us to find out about sex on line
Cheri Magazine, May 1998, said NAUGHTY Linx is "Hours of fun for all web whackers."
Press Control D to bookmark us so you can pick NAUGHTY Linx.

Fetish Dungeon Free XXX

If anything is wrong this splice, simply click back on your browser to return here and go to the real Naughty Linx.

YESSS!!! I found out the problem. Alta Vista (above?) was bleeding into Naughty Linx's mini search box. The problem has since been fixed. Enjoy it to your heart's content.

This page has sponsored hunts.

A Smorgasboard of Links

Return to Brasília:
PSYCHOSIS: A password site that's top notch. By the way, For the NES Metroid, try : "J U S T I N B A I L E Y (top row), - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 (6 dashes and 6 Zeroes; bottom row)".
Pirate Lynx: Another brillant password innovation. (CAUTION: Multiple JavaScript screens pop up.)(16+)
Optimus Prime: an honored hero in Iacon.
Fallout: a comrade in arms. Click here to visit him.
Click here: for a site you wouldn't believe until you saw it.
NORMASTITZ.COM: A hot new website featuring well-packaged model Norma Stitz.
Thick Chocolate: A site featuring Black porn in white person's X-rated world. (16+) Not bad for a commodity, though.
BIGBOT.COM - The new home of the CTLP: The Complete Transformers Listing Page has been relocated by its webmaster. For ALL ages, this page has everything!

Here is a small bonus page to tide you over.